There are flowers everywhere for those who bother to look. - Henri Matisse  
Inspiration is Everywhere, You Just Need to Look

I find inspiration almost everywhere I look - in every day things, in fabric, in pictures, in magazines and books, and especially in nature. Getting outside of my normal routine supercharges my creativity and releases my muse.  I love the feeling I get when an idea takes shape and I am able to follow it to the end.  My favorite pieces are the result of this process.

I always carry a sketch pad with me to jot down new ideas and draw the shapes and textures that come to me.  And I try to photograph anything that I see that inspires me.

From time to time, I will share my drawings and photos with you here.  The photos you see were taken during trips to Tuscany and Provence.

© 2010 Glass in Bloom | Ashburn,VA